فرانكشتاين في بغداد Frankenstein in Baghdad Ahmed Saadawi 9789933350017 Books
Download As PDF : فرانكشتاين في بغداد Frankenstein in Baghdad Ahmed Saadawi 9789933350017 Books
فرانكشتاين في بغداد Frankenstein in Baghdad Ahmed Saadawi 9789933350017 Books
Great book I am reading it slowly to enjoy the story. I lived in Baghdad for many years and am familiar with some of the locals mentioned in the book. It brings back lots of memories.The story plot is interesting and the author has a very nice way of putting out the facts.
I did not experience the horrible killings in Baghdad but the book makes you feel as if you were there.
Even reading part of the story only I give it 5 stars
Tags : فرانكشتاين في بغداد Frankenstein in Baghdad [Ahmed Saadawi] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. على لسان هادي العتاگ (بائع عاديات في أحد أحياء وسط بغداد) يروي الكاتب العراقي أحمد سعداوي، في روايته الصادرة حديثاً عن منشورات الجمل، ما كان يقوم به من جمع بقايا جثث ضحايا التفجيرات الإرهابية خلال شتاء 2005، ليقوم بلصق هذه الأجزاء فينتج كائناً بشرياً غريباً، سرعان ما ينهض ليقوم بعملية ثأر وانتقام واسعة من المجرمين الذي قتلوا أجزاءه التي يتكوّن منها. مصائر شخصيات متداخلة خلال المطاردة المثيرة في بغداد وأحيائها,Ahmed Saadawi,فرانكشتاين في بغداد Frankenstein in Baghdad,منشورات الجمل al Kamel,9933350013
فرانكشتاين في بغداد Frankenstein in Baghdad Ahmed Saadawi 9789933350017 Books Reviews
Amazing perfect novel. Ahmed Saadawi was able to make fiction so realistic.
Amazing book. This book will take you to the city of Baghdad. Ahmed Saadawi describes the story in such a powerful way. It feels like you are watching a movie.
a great novel even for someone who didn't live in Baghdad....has so many to offer in terms of joyful reflections on human state of mind during chaotic war horrors. Will satisfy the reader's hunger as chapters go on for more surprises in a mixture of dark reality n fantasy "Magic Realism". Ahmed Saadawi "the author" is trying to challenge the reader to know better about the Iraqi slang language in a beautiful way,so even if u are not familiar with it, that'll not be a big of a deal to read throughout the piece,but it will force u to feel the Baghdadi spirit during certain scenarios. TOTALLY RECOMMENDED!...
Good one but not like I expected to be, it's a bloody story filled with horrific scenes it is not the type you would read on a plane or to relax unless you like this kind of stories
Thank you very much .I'm very pleased with my item.
Great book great analysis of almost real situation
Great book I am reading it slowly to enjoy the story. I lived in Baghdad for many years and am familiar with some of the locals mentioned in the book. It brings back lots of memories.
The story plot is interesting and the author has a very nice way of putting out the facts.
I did not experience the horrible killings in Baghdad but the book makes you feel as if you were there.
Even reading part of the story only I give it 5 stars
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